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Join Us for Martial Arts Programs in Livermore, CA Today!

Welcome to Team Martial Arts, located in Livermore, CA. Team Martial Arts has been serving the Tri-Valley area since 2008 and is a family-oriented, martial arts facility dedicated to helping students of all ages realize their full potential, not only in the martial arts but in their life. Just call, e-mail, or drop into our Livermore studio to schedule an appointment for your free introductory lesson. After your introductory lesson, you’ll meet with a program director to discuss the various options available to you and your family when you begin making martial arts a regular part of your new healthy lifestyle. We look forward to fully engaging your body and mind in our studio.


3½ - 6 years old

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7-11 years old

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12+ years old

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15+ years old

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instructor pointing to students

Focused on Kajukenbo, But We Use a Blended Curriculum

Our primary martial arts program is Kajukenbo. However, our curriculum also includes Tae Kwon Do, Filippino Martial Arts, and Sport Karate for competitions. Additionally, we emphasize the basic principles of modesty, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, courage, and indomitable spirit. We want everyone to work together as a TEAM when they come to our studio, so we can all achieve our goals.

T: Together

Together, we are a community, helping to provide the tools and training for success. We pride ourselves on cultivating a place where you belong, and we nurture a culture of belief in our students and families that will last a lifetime.

E: Everyone

Everyone works toward a common goal of enhancing students' lives. We educate, energize, and empower our students to be the best they can be.

A: Achieving

Achieving your goals and aspiring to accomplish what you set out to do is our priority. We are dedicated to helping you succeed.

M: More

More motivation is what we strive to provide, to help you live your passion every day. We love what we do and consider ourselves lucky to have the opportunity to serve our students and families.

Our Mission at Team Martial Arts

We strive to help our students realize their full potential as martial artists, as well as people—all in a family-friendly environment. We teach our students a curriculum that balances physical conditioning, life skills, and martial arts in Livermore, CA. Please contact us for further information about our programs in the Tri-Valley area!

Sign Up for Our Martial Arts Programs