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Reviews from Some of Our Members

My 6-year-old daughter has been doing martial arts at TEAM for a few months and she absolutely loves it. I am so impressed with the instructors - they are patient and kind and truly know how to connect with the kids at any age and level. My daughter's coordination has improved as well as her drive to be self sufficient and responsible - no doubt thanks to the weekly "mat chats". Would highly recommend TEAM!


We have been loving TMA! The instructors are incredibly engaging and fun, and the scheduling flexibility makes it possible to work martial arts into our schedule with three kids. Can't recommend it enough. Thank you!

Chet N.

The instructors are excellent with kids and, in addition to teaching self-defense in a positive, safe, structured environment, they also teach lots of positive life lessons. My boys (ages 7-13) love to go here!


My kids have been going for about 3 years...I knew it was the right fit from the first day. Absolutely love all the staff and students


I can't say enough good things about Team Martial Arts. The instructors are fantastic with children. They bring a perfect blend of expertise, patience, and enthusiasm to every class. Their ability to connect with kids and make learning martial arts fun and engaging is truly remarkable.The atmosphere is incredibly positive and supportive. The kids feel welcomed and encouraged from the moment they walk in. The sense of community and camaraderie among the students is wonderful to see. In addition to teaching martial arts techniques, the program emphasizes important values such as discipline, respect, and perseverance. My child has shown noticeable improvement in focus and behavior both in and out of class. Five stars without a doubt!


TEAM Martial Arts is a wonderful place for students to feel accepted, supported, and challenged. Our family has been part of the "Team" since our kids were in Champions and our experience has grown each year. Whether looking for a place for your littles to be active and learn or a place for adults to do the same...this is the place.

Mike M

TMA is fantastic! The instructors are patient and skilled, creating a perfect balance of discipline and fun. My child has grown in confidence and focus while learning valuable self-defense skills. The facility is clean and safe, and the staff is always welcoming. Highly recommend!


Team Martial Arts has fabulous instructors that are very helpful. This dojo has helped my son gain confidence over the past 6 years we've been involved with them - that is priceless.


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